
Tabernacle – משכן – Mishkan
Menorah – מנורה – Candlestick
Menorah – מנורה – Candlestick
Table for Showbread – שולחן לחם הפנים – The Table of the bread of Presence
Table for Showbread – שולחן לחם הפנים – The Table of the bread of Presence
Incense Altar – מזבח קטורת
Incense Altar – מזבח קטורת
Brazen Altar – מזבח העלה
Brazen Altar – מזבח העלה
Copper Laver – כיור נחושת
Copper Laver – כיור נחושת
Ark of the Covenant
Ark of the Covenant
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Originally written by Dr Gerrit Nel

 In 1984, a colleague shared an article about the Tabernacle of Moses (the Mishkan) with me.  This intrigued me so much that I wanted to read more about this fascinating structure, which became the pattern for the building of the temple in Jerusalem.

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Altar of the red heifer
Spices for anointing oil and sweet incense
Spices for anointing oil and sweet incense
Acacia Wood
Badger’s skin
Goat’s Hair
Fine Linen
Altar of the red heifer
Spices for anointing oil and sweet incense
Goat’s Hair
Fine Linen
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Getting Involved
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The purpose and aim of this project is about sharing how God wants to dwell among His people. You can be a part of this initiative to inform the nations to come and experience the presence of the Living God. Participate in one of many ways in which we can make an impact on thousands of people’s lives together.

  1. Pray for the project.
  2. Become a member of the association in your own country.
  3. Sharing the vision with others is so easy. All you have to do, is to tell people about the project and then give them the link to our website and recommend that they download the app.
  4. Give some of your time by volunteering in one of the various possible areas, such as artist work, research, the physical building of models and many more.
  5. Give financially towards the project. The bank details for your country can be sent on request.

Choose today to be part of the journey of faith through time in the time you live in!

Complete this form below and we will write to you with further information.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”contactform”][vc_column offset=”vc_col-lg-7 vc_col-md-7 vc_col-xs-12″]

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